The PSHE subject is lead by a team:
Miss Wilde, Mrs Delargy and Miss Ditchfield

PSHE in Action
Above is our core offer of events which we will celebrate throughout the year. At times, where relevant, we will celebrate other events.
Summer 2023- Pupil Voice
I have learnt all about Africa and America with Lenny.
Kory- I have learnt how to ring 999 in an emergency.
Hailey- I know how to escape a fire and how to stay safe.
I know how to survive on a desert island and what things I could use to build a shelter.
I also know how to keep safe during summer, by wearing sun cream and a hat.
Riley- I know that I don't need to be scared about transition.
I have learnt the difference between, mortgage, rent and a loan.Max- I know that when we transition to high school that all the teachers are there to help.
I also know about money and how much we should save.
Kitty- I know about the foods we should eat.
Too much healthy food can also be bad for you, we need a balance diet.Max C - I have learnt about caffeine and how it can be bad for you.
It can cause you not to sleep and you can become ill if you have too much.
Cory- I know that if you want to be a leaders you need to be; confident, brave, respectful, a good navigator and have good understanding.
Daisy- It is fun because you get asked questions and then you get to play games.
I have learnt to try and try again. If you fail you just try again.