At Sacred Heart, to live sustainably we will…
1 . A Faith in action group will be set up and maintain an allotment and peace Garden which will produce fresh food for local people in need of support. Sell any excess items to support CAFOD.
Laudato Si’ Catholic Social Teaching – Stewardship
2. We will support the local food bank; pupils will be involved in organising and promoting this. We will ask a representative from the food bank to come and speak to pupils about their work. We can have a ongoing food bank collection in school that can be taken to the local food banks every half term. We will ensure pupils are aware of human dignity and we all need support from others at times in our lives.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” Matthew 25:35 CST human dignity, solidarity, participation, preferential option for the poor.
The ‘Faith in Action Team’ have set up a hamper in the foyer to welcome all donations of food and health products to help the wider community and people in need. This will be an on going collection throughout the year which will be frequently donated to Atherton and Leigh foodbank or families within school who may need extra support.
See attached the list of items that will support this cause.
Linking to the Live Simply award: Living in solidarity and living sustainably
3. We will have a stall at our Christmas/Summer Fayre and invite families to donate different foods to create food parcels that will be given out to the families in need of extra support throughout the year.
Catholic Social Teaching – Human Dignity, solidarity, preferential option for the poor.
The friends of Sacred Heart have set up a ‘New to You’ clothes sale
to raise funds for school and to give back to the wider community by raising awareness of of to be eco-friendly.
This will be an event that will be repeated during the school year.
4. Based on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ 49 “hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” pupils will produce a piece of art or a poem to raise awareness of our call to respond to Pope Francis’ message and will be good stewards of creation – people & planet. (art work may incorporate items that would have been binned). We will link this to Laudato Si and caring for our common home. The pupils will plan and participate in a day of outdoor learning.