Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals [FSM], children who have been ‘looked after’ [CLA] continuously for more than six months and children from ‘Services’ families eg. the Army. This also includes any pupils eligible for FSM at any time in the last six years.
It is at the discretion of the school how Pupil Premium is spent. One of the main reasons we will be held to account about spending is linked with the national agenda of ‘narrowing the attainment gap’ ie. supporting targeted pupils so that they progress and attain as equally well as their peers.
Schools are required to publish Pupil Premium spending online so that parents/ carers and other stakeholders are made fully aware of the impact of this additional funding.
For 2020-21, Sacred Heart received £82,665 in Pupil Premium. This is an increase from previous years. The increase is due to the changing context of the pupil profile of school. As of Jan’21, 19% of our pupils fall into the lowest 10% of deprivation with 47 % of our pupils falling into the urban adversity (inc. families who are financially stretched) category . 30% of our pupils qualify for FSM. This is an increase of 21% since 2015.
Schools are required to produce a plan of how the money will be spent. Regular monitoring activity ensures that Pupil Premium is used to maximum impact:
- half termly data analysis and cohort profiles
- half termly progress review meetings
- profiling by virtual cohort leader, Miss Wilde
- termly accountability to Curriculum Committee Governors
- fortnightly monitoring of attendance, including any persistent absence
- regular review of access to out of hours activities
- pupil voice