Upcoming Events

Year 6 Assembly

Parents of children in Year 6 are welcome to attend.

Holocaust Memorial Day Remembrance Service

The children in Year 6 will attend Leigh Town Hall to join in the remembrance service to mark the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust. It is a great privilege for our children to be asked to attend.

Year 2 Assembly

Parents of children in Year 2 are welcome to attend.

Year 4 London Residential

The children will travel to London; eat tea at Pizza Express, watch Wicked, see some of the sights and visit the Science Museum.

Reception Assembly

Parents of children in Reception are welcome to attend.

Year 1

Parents of children in Year 1 are welcome to attend.

Year 5 Assembly

Parents of children in Year 5 are welcome to attend.

Year 3 Assembly

Parents of children in Year 5 are welcome to attend.

Year 6 Residential – Low Bank Ground

five day adventure residential in Coniston at the Wigan owned venue of Low Bank Ground. The children will engage in a range of activities including; kayaking, canoeing, hill walking, orienteering and a range of other activities - weather dependent.

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