The Governing Body of Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Atherton
The role of the Governing Body is to:
- establish an ethos, one that reflects the distinct Catholic nature of the school
- provide vision and strategic leadership
- hold leaders to account with regards to performance and outcomes for pupils and the performance management of staff
- to ensure that public money is well spent
Structure of the Governing Body
Foundation Governors: 7
Sharon Travers [Chair of governors] email:
Anna Herko [Vice-chair of governors]
Father Carl Mugan
Lorraine Taylor
Barbara Howell
Marie Gungor
Headteacher: 1
Ian McDermott
Local Authority: 1
Parent: 2
Zoe Horden-Ashton
Vacancy – to be advertised when school re-opens on 2nd September
Staff: 1
Eleanor Wilde
Total: 12
Clerk: Wigan Governor Services