If you are an inspector about to visit our school, for your convenience we have curated the following table of statutory requirements with easily accessible links to the pages where you can find the relevant Information.
The school’s contact details | Contact Us Page | |
Admission arrangements | Admissions Page | |
Ofsted inspection report | Inspections Page | |
The school’s most recent results (EYFS, Phonics, KS1 and KS2) – 2019 latest results | Results Page | |
Information on how to access DfE performance data | DfE Page | |
Information on curriculum provision, content and approach | Curriculum Pages | |
Details of pupil premium allocation, its use and impact | Pupil Premium Page | |
Details of the PE and sport premium for primary schools | Sport Premium Page | |
Governors’ details | Governors Page | |
Behaviour policy | Policies Page | |
Charging and remissions policy | Policies Page | |
The school’s statement of ethos and values | RE & Catholic Life | |
A special educational needs (SEN) information report | SEN/D Page | |
Accessibility plan | Accessibility Policy And Plan 2020 | |
Complaints policy | Compliments and Complaints Policy | |
Education Penalty Notice Letter (issued termly)
Equality Statement Schools Financial Benchmarking |
Education Penalty Notice Letter (April 23) |